Final Reflective EssayThis Senior Advance Math class,as being taught by the lovely vikkie,has helped me improved on my mathematical skills. I have an understanding how trig works. I learned about radians and how to convert radians to degrees, degrees to radians, and coterminals. I learned about the law of sines, cosines, tangents.
I found this class challenging because there are many theorems and steps you have to follow just to get the right answer. Like for example if you were going to try to find the law of cosine you would have to do the law of sine first to figure out the answer for cosine.
My least favorite topic was figuring out law of cosines and tangents. Because it was hard to figure out which theorem to use first and just took much time and complication. My favorite topic was learning how to convert radians to degrees, degrees to radians and coterminals. Because it was easy to learn, fast and harldy and theorems to have to solve.
I would have liked to learn more about puzzle games like suduko. Something that has a pattern or is tricky to figure out. I would want to have change the teachings about the law of sines, cosines, and tangents to make it understandable to do in different mathematical problem. I suggest we do more puzzling problems to challenge our brains, but not to complicated. I also suggest we should do real world problems to fully understand it a bit better.
Overall the class was great math class I've ever been in. I loved the teacher because she helped me understand how to do the problems and she didnt give up on me as well. I loved her teachings skills and her personality she helped me be confident in myself and that its ok to ask questions. I liked the problems that we worked on such as the radians, degrees, coterminal, sines, cosines, and tangents. Even though most was complicate to fully understand.

I also took another math class in Geometry, I learned mostly about Pythagorean Theorem, Right, Acute, Obtuse triangles, square roots, and factoring radicals. Also I was assigned a group project to make a design out of triangle angles, measure the triangles and present a powerpoint presentation about the triangles we measured and why the Pythagorean Theorem didn't work with the measurements we measured. I learned how angles are used everywhere around our day to day lives. I also learned how to use the Pythagorean Theorem to find triangle measurements.